About Us

About Us

Who we are

We are a group of 200 or so Greater Vancouver-area gay men and their friends, who enjoy sharing the great outdoors. Our activities include hiking, walking, cycling, kayaking, skiing, camping and more — whatever is of interest to our members. Most of our events are local, but sometimes we travel around a bit. We get together for social gatherings throughout the year—anything from a barbecue to a night at the opera. All of our events are organized by club members. O&A has been around for more than 30 years. Here is a history of our organization.

How membership works

  • We have a trial membership. Just for the asking, you can join our group here at meetup.com (https://www.meetup.com/Out-About-Vancouver/). This gives you access to our events, although the ability to create events requires full membership.
  • We give you up to 3 months as a trial member, for you to check us out. If it’s a match, we collect a $10 one-time-fee.
  • Once you become a full member, you’re allowed (and encouraged) to create new events and publish them on meetup (in meetup.com parlance, you’re promoted from “No Role” to “Event Organizer”), and you get access to the membership list (to the extent that each member authorizes it). This page documents how to create events on meetup.
  • If after 3 months you haven’t applied to be a full member, we drop you from our meetup.com group (sorry!)

The meetup connection

We use meetup.com to keep an email member list and to offer up events to the members. This page documents how to create events on meetup.

Meetup only uses your email address to identify you (and whatever interests you express there).

Such a deal!

Club Membership is only $10. Not per month, not per year (we may need to ask for additional contributions in the future, but for the moment, and for the last 20 years, it’s been one-time). As a member, you get full access to our events calendar and member directory, plus the opportunity to organize and lead club events and to attend and contribute to the Annual Group Meeting. So if you want to skip the whole “trial membership” thing, just fill out our application today and we’ll get you approved (you still need to “join” at https://www.meetup.com/Out-About-Vancouver, though).


If your questions are not answered on this site, or if you are a previous member (pre-meetup.com) needing assistance, please contact us.

Sign me up!
